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MOD - NV "Who Was Here?"

PostagemEnviado: 27 Jan 2009, 20:36
por Master Portugas
Title: NV "Who Was Here?"

Adds a list with all users, which visited the page today, on the index.php.
With saving the record of usercount.
• en-/disable bots in the list (adjustable in ACP)
• en-/disable hidden users in the list (adjustable in ACP)
• en-/disable guests in the record (adjustable in ACP)
• en-/disable visit-time in the list or as "hover" on the name (adjustable in ACP)
• "Who was here?" or "Who was here in the last time?" (adjustable in ACP)
• display and store the record (in ACP)
• reset-function (in ACP)
• time is displayed with user-timezone and dst(daylight-saving-time) adjustment of the ucp
• usernames are coloured

Version: 6.0.6

Installation Level: Easy

Installation Time: ~4minutes

Author Username: nickvergessen
Email: nickvergessen@gmx.de
Name: Joas Schilling
WWW: http://www.flying-bits.org/